

I don't know how many of you are Harry Potter Fans, but I am here to tell you that I am. I was there at Frost Books, Friday night at midnight the night before the book came out to get my book! I was there with good company, my sisters Lani and Lindsey and McCall (practically sister). We were a little out of place in the fact that we could see over the heads of most of the teeny-boppers there. I don't care though, I had fun. I read it all weekend, well as much as I could when we weren't doing anything else, and I finished it Monday night. It was a great end to an awesome series. JK did not disappoint! I would recommend this whole series to any of you who haven't read it.


Here we are making s'mores at my parents cabin. It was fun to have my family all together and I can never get enough of the cabin. And isn't my husband cute, singing primary songs with Kai. So cute, wish I had video.


My new niece, baby Laina (pronounced lay-na).
Isn’t she just so adorable? She is Lisa’s third baby. Can you believe it? She has three under the age of three. Crazy!
Lisa and I were so excited to find out that I was having a girl only five months after her girl was born. They are going to be friends, along with all of the other girls that are popping out of our friends!


Sorry this video is pretty boring, but I can't find my cord for my camera to put my pictures on my computer, if you want to watch this you can. It was a lot of fun. We drove everywhere and saw beautiful nature, and just enjoyed being together. There is more video that is more interesting on it's way.