Halle opening her baby doll from Grammy and Grandpa! Russ couldn't get that thing open fast enough, Halle really needs to learn some patience! I wonder where she gets that from?
Christmas PJ tradition. My Mom always got us new jammie's for Christmas and we would always want to wear them before Christmas, but she would never let us. They all look so cute, even though we couldn't get the babies to hold still.I love Christmastime! I think it is so magical, and it is just getting more fun and excited with my little Hals. She liked Christmas because she got her new baby dolls. We spent the night at my parents and opened presents in the morning.
I was lucky to get this shot of Halle, she was walking that baby in her new stroller all over the place, she wouldn't stop for a picture! She is such a good mommy!
This was pretty funny, Lani and I got "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" (harry potter stuff, yeah we are nerds!) and . . .Russ and Kevin got "The Dark Night" on DVD. They were making fun of us in this picture if you can't tell.I used a different camera at Russ's parents house, and I don't know where my cord is, so I will be posting those later.
P.S. Halle is doing better and we are just hanging in there until she gets all the way better.