
Twilight . . . The Movie

Spoiler Alert

Ok so last night a bunch of girls in my neighborhood and I went to a midnight showing of Twilight. I totally enjoyed myself and liked the movie. Some of the girls I was with were kind of disappointed and I have also read some reviews online of what fans have said. The majority of people are saying they were disappointed and didn't think the movie lived up to the books. All I have to say to that is,

"No Duh!"

I am sorry but it really bothers me that people are thinking they are going to see the exact things they were imaging in their head when they were reading it. Stop taking it so seriously, it didn't really happen, just watch the movie and know that it is just someones interpretation of the book.

Another thing is that these books were written for teenagers and i am sure most of the people who are disappointed are 30 somethings who aren't married or dating anyone and forgot that we were talking about a 16 year old falling in love. Of course it was going to be cheesy, over the top, dramatic and sometimes dumb, that is how you act when you are a teenager "in love."

Sorry I will get off my soap box. I guess I am no better than the people who are ranting about how their first kiss wasn't in her bedroom, or how they are bugged that charlie and Bella went to dinner at the diner?
(yeah get off it people, it's a movie not your fantasy come to life!)


Lindsey said...

don't hold back Lace, tell us how you really feel ;) haha i feel the same way, nothing can compete with a person's imagination. the movie was good, not great. done and done.

The Speres said...

I say "DUH!" as well, Lacey! I get sick of people saying "It was nothing like the book," etc. about different books-turned-movies. I like being entertained in many different ways, but that doesn't mean that some director of a movie is going to know exactly how each individual wants the book to be put onto the big screen! People are weird that way. I'm glad you and I agree.
I'm excited to see you during the holidays! Bryce and I are going to the P6 Christmas party on the 2nd with my mom...can't wait!

Jen (Jenalyn) said...

I have't read the books yet (well I'm still in Chapter 1 of Twilight and have been for months. I just haven't been in a reading mood.) I really liked the movie, (midnight showing on Thursday, oh yeah I was really tired on Friday) ahd it has made me excited to read the books. But, duh!!! I have never heard anyone say "THE MOVIE WAS BETTER THAN THE BOOK!, nEvEr!!!!! Hi Lacey

deannegalloway said...

I went to the midnight showing as well and I liked it too. I thought the characters were really likable at the end. I totally agree with people wanting it to be just like the book. If it was it would be like 10 hours long!

Mer said...

First of all, thanks for the spoiler alert! I looked at your blog the other day and as soon as I saw that I stopped reading because I hadn't seen the movie yet! So I just saw it tonight, and I agree with you. It was not how I had pictured it in my head, but I didn't mind seeing it from someone else's perspective. I am a total nerd, and I wouldn't have minded a 10 hour movie, I was totally sad when it was over!

Christine said...

I LOVEd it! I've seen it 3 more times! If you want to go and see it again let me know! :) Also, I changed my blog so you should be able to get on it again.

Jordan said...

Lacy I love your tenacity... seriously I feel the exact same way. I mean come on... thank you. The world needed your rant. I know I feel better.

Lilianne said...

I L-O-V-E-D the movie! And I totally agree with you about the book vs. movie thing. I actually thought they hit the mood of the book spot on and Charlie's and the Cullen's houses were much like I had pictured them in the books. Some differences for me were: Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper (not what I had pictured in my head), but Alice was just about right. And out of Bella's friends? Certainly didn't picture Eric as an Asian! I wasn't too much of a fan of Edward BEFORE seeing the movie, (bella was perfect), but after seeing their on-screen chemistry...it totally worked for me! I have to admit, I was totally a giddy teenage girl again in that theater!! And I didn't want it to be over either. HA!

Thanks for loving it, too! You're the bomb and I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Molly said...


i swear i was just reading my exact thoughts.

but really... rosalie was supposed to be drop dead gorgeous... not to be rude, but they could have done a little better with that one!

Eric and Hayley said...

Hahaha...I agree Lacey...could've been better, but it was fun to see it come to life. It's just a movie peoples!

Zach and Katie Hillstead said...

AMEN! I feel exactly the same way! I have been so annoyed with people being so disappointed in the movie...it's like what did you expect? I thought it was good, but I didn't go in with super high expectations. OH well...I'm glad you liked it too!